Wallpapers are the backgrounds for your computer screen. They are easily available on the Internet. Instead of keeping a plain background on the computer screen, one can download many types of free wallpaper.
Using free wallpaper is very easy. All that has to be done is to choose
the free wallpaper you intend to use on your computer. Then you have to
click on the link that applies to your screen resolution. Upon doing
this, a new window appears on the screen. The wallpaper you had chosen
appears in this window. Then you have to right click on the free
wallpaper, and select 'set as wallpaper'. However, the downloading of
the free wallpaper will take awhile, especially if you are on a
low-speed connection.
There are many sites offering free wallpaper. Sometimes the wallpapers
may be divided into different categories on the site. They may be
site-exclusive wallpapers, which are made by the staff of the site,
fan-submitted wallpapers, which are wallpapers submitted by fans of the
website, and theme-based wallpapers. These are wallpapers that follow a
particular theme in their pictures.